Favorite hotels!

One of my very most goals in travelling to the east is to find a communist hotel in original. No renovation, no nothing after being built!

Say hello this beaty in Visaginas, Lihuania. Stayed there in 2010, built in the 1983 s and now demolished. There is a Lidl standing there now… Only faced something like 35 years.

Well , rooms where a really Sovet time machine. Hotel facing only 27 years when we where there!

If you could see the mold on the wall….

Yes, there it is!

Soviet quality from the 80´s is really bad.

Maybe it is just me and my mind, but this sign looks to be a bit of line?

Hotel built in 1983! Do I need to say more?!

Unfortunally the hotel is replaced by a Lidl today. I guess it is like 5 years ago?

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