A massive hotel visited in 2011, built along the mountainside towards the Adriatic ocean… Close to the former entrance For taxis and buses to leave and pick up guests. Notice the shrapel damages on the walls. Hotel was built in 1974 with a very nice seafront view. It was demolished som 7-8 years ago. Heavily… Continue reading Another one of those hotels…..
Tag: urbex
C47 Dakota, Skytrain
I have visited this place on the Balkans 7 times during the years. First visit in 2010 and last time in 2021…. 11 years to see how something really nice is grinded down to a total disgrace by humans. First visit in 2010 with heavy rain coming in. 8 months later in 2011 some parts… Continue reading C47 Dakota, Skytrain
Favorite hotels!
One of my very most goals in travelling to the east is to find a communist hotel in original. No renovation, no nothing after being built! Say hello this beaty in Visaginas, Lihuania. Stayed there in 2010, built in the 1983 s and now demolished. There is a Lidl standing there now… Only faced something… Continue reading Favorite hotels!
Church Monastary in and on the rocks.
A highly working church in Moldovan country side. Close by there is a lovely Monastary built down in the soil/bedrock. On the road there you will notice no doubt on fact that Moldova belonged to the former Soviet union… This is actually a very beautiful church out in the middle of nowhere… Close to this… Continue reading Church Monastary in and on the rocks.
Former coalmine
This beautiful mine was visited in a totally totally disaster weather. Heavy rain and heavy rain ruined a lot of the outside pics……. But we were lucky in the end! This picture is very emotional to me. It says “Daddy I love you so much, make sure to come home healthy”. Working conditions here were… Continue reading Former coalmine
Swimming is cancelled…..
This massive place was never finished. some people say that this complex was planned due to the obsession to have an olympic summergame. Swimming and gymnastics………. Today it stands alone, looted and will propably never come any closer to function. If you like riding electrical scooters, this might be the place for them to die?… Continue reading Swimming is cancelled…..
Ukrainian Krym!
Some pics from 2013 when I travelled from Odesa down to Crimea passing Yalta and Sevastopol via Mykolaiv, Kherson and Simferopol. Antonovsky bridge, I guess Ukraine will have to make a whole new bridge in the future…… Former airbase west of Yevpatoria. I wonder if he is still there on the airbase?? From inside the… Continue reading Ukrainian Krym!
Mansion with details
This very beautiful mansion is a mystery why it is abandoned. Area is great and close to water. Staircase is absolutely stunning! Often details like this is gone for long by looters. So I am very happy to see these beautiful details! Pillar with original details! Very rare and beautiful. The floors were detailed and… Continue reading Mansion with details
Never to be used…
This 280 meter high Chimney never got the opportunity to start delivering smoke….. Industry never got finished before the economical collapse in the country. It is a massive construction and I am really interested in how the workers conditions used to be. How many people died during the construction? Such a magical evening light this… Continue reading Never to be used…
Mazeikiai refinery
The refinery in Mazeikiai, Lithuania was one of the very last efforts in the already dying Soviet union. Refinery were built mostly by prisoners living in these blocks (only one remaining today) guarderd by soliders and a fence….. If you look to the base of the picture there is some remaints of block 2 where… Continue reading Mazeikiai refinery